Starport Status Update
This report presents the latest data on starports experiencing technical issues as a result of Thargoid Sensor related interference. The following starports are currently closed: al-Din Prospect, Alpha Centauri Forbes Terminal, Algorab Mayer Hub, K…
Week in Review
Here are this week’s major stories. A descendant of Amaro Hem, one of the INRA’s senior members, has been murdered by terrorist group the League of Reparation. The murder recreated the circumstances of Commander John Jameson’s death, and has been inte…
Theft Baffles Security Experts
A valuable work of art has been stolen by a mysterious and highly skilled criminal. The theft took place in the Garden City Gallery on Turner’s World in the Alioth system. Sergeant Femi Abram of the municipal police discussed the incident: “Our secur…
Conflict in Lave
The Lave Radio Network, an independent organisation based in the Lave system, has announced plans to broadcast its annual conference, which this year will take place in the Diso system from the 24th to the 25th of June. To ensure they can share the ev…
Success for Pleiades Restoration Project
There has been a positive response to the campaign to fund repairs for starports in the Pleiades Nebula. Huge quantities of construction materials were received, which will be used to restore many of the stations damaged by the Thargoids. Senior engin…
Starport Repair Initiative Concludes
The campaign by Aegis Core to fund the refurbishment of starports in the core systems has now ended. A large quantity of construction materials were delivered to Dantec Enterprise. Carter Armstrong, chief administrator for the project, announced his t…
INRA Descendant Murdered
A descendant of Amaro Hem, one of the INRA’s senior members, has been murdered by terrorist group the League of Reparation. His body was found in the wreckage of a crashed ship. Senior Agent Tanya Ramirez, part of the tri-superpower taskforce investig…
Aisling Duval Hosts Federal Ambassador
Last weekend, Princess Aisling Duval hosted a diplomatic function at which Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester was the guest of honour. Although security at the event was tight, entertainment journalist Solomon Helios managed to obtain an exclusive in…
Starport Status Update
This report presents the latest data on starports experiencing technical issues as a result of Thargoid Sensor related interference. The following starports are currently closed: Ciferri Enterprise, Hidatsa Darwin Orbital, 82 Pegasi Kennan Vision, …
Week in Review
Here are this week’s major stories. The Socho system, headquarters of Aegis Core, has been overtaken by the Socho Gold Raiders, a criminal faction. The system is now in a state of anarchy. Aegis personnel, including Dr Mia Valencourt and Professor Alb…