Category: Elite Dangerous

  • The Emperor Denounces Emperor’s Dawn

    To date, the Empire’s campaign against the insurgent organisation Emperor’s Dawn has fallen largely under the jurisdiction of Senator Denton Patreus, but now that the question of the succession has been answered, the Empire is in a position to give Emperor’s Dawn its full attention. Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval has issued a frank statement in which…

  • GalNet Weekly Powers Update Incoming

    In the early hours of tomorrow morning (7.00am GMT), the GalNet monitoring of powers’ activities will go offline for a short period while the latest data is assembled. Any pilots who operate for one of the powers must deliver any cargo or vouchers bef…

  • GalNet Weekly Health Hotspots

    This weekly report typically covers some of the minor factions experiencing significant health issues, such as famine and outbreaks. At the time of writing, however, outbreaks have not been reported among any minor factions.

  • GalNet Weekly Security Digest

    In this weekly report, the latest GalNet data is assembled to present ten minor factions experiencing civil unrest or lockdown in their systems. Here are 10 of the 4,174 minor factions in lockdown: Macuano Advanced Network Luyten 347-14 Prison Colon…

  • Pilots Call for Starship Lighting Enquiry

    More than 220,000 pilots have signed a petition calling for an inquiry into the lack of anti-collision lights on starships and emergency lighting on system-authority ships. Jenson Zanetti, chairman of the Pilots Federation Safety Board, stated: “At so…

  • GalNet Weekly Economic Report

    In this weekly digest, the latest GalNet data is compiled to show the economic state of a short list of minor factions and the star systems they inhabit. Here are 10 of the 11,041 minor factions currently enjoying an economic boom: People’s Meldrith …

  • Arissa Lavigny-Duval Crowned Emperor

    Today, dawn broke above an expectant Capitol as Imperial citizens awaited the coronation of the first female Emperor (the Imperial Senate having determined that ‘Emperor’ should be used for both male and female rulers). It looked like the entire popula…

  • GalNet Weekly Expansion List

    Each week, GalNet presents a list of 10 of the 2,708 minor factions currently expanding into new systems. Morai Nobles Nungk Empire Party Varlawoth Prison Colony HIP 6761 Focus Evenses Liberals Hrana General Holdings 58 Epsilon Herculis Industry…

  • A Week in Powerplay

    Edmund Mahon has proven last week’s naysaying economists wrong. The economic juggernaut that is the Alliance of Independent Systems now exerts influence over more than 1,000 systems – a tremendous milestone for the fledgling superpower, which only recently celebrated 70 years of existence. Arissa Lavigny-Duval’s days have been largely consumed by preparations for her coronation…

  • Technical Trouble in the Warkushanui System

    Reports coming in from the Warkushanui system indicate that a number of starports in the region are currently experiencing technical issues. According to Sam Norris, a technician at Coats Hub, the system’s inhabitants are dealing with a range of proble…