Galactic News: Ishmael Palin Describes Kidnapping
It has now been over a week since Professor Ishmael Palin and his research team were rescued from a criminal syndicate known as the Blue Hand Gang. Since then, there has been considerable speculation about who might be responsible for the abduction. Al…
Freelance Report: Eating Your Words
Controversial chef Oliver Gordon was humiliated yesterday when he lost his battle over the ‘PanGalactic’ trademark. The cordon bleu has been forced to close his restaurant to meet spiralling legal costs. The case began when the Pan Galactic Mining Cor…
Freelance Report: Midweek Buckyball Madness
With less than a week until the Spring Break race, the Buckyball Racing Club is running a short ‘Midweek Madness’ event to get racers warmed up. ‘Buckey Ball Raleigh’ is a fuel-restricted race from Buckey Ring in NLTT 57216, via Ball Dock in CD-37 641…
Galactic News: Weekly Economic Report
In this weekly digest, the latest GalNet data is compiled to show the economic state of a short list of minor factions and the star systems they inhabit. Here are 10 of the 10,718 minor factions currently enjoying an economic boom: Wawal Partners N…
Galactic News: Weekly Expansion List
Each week, GalNet presents a list of 10 of the 1,223 minor factions currently expanding into new systems. Ryujingit Silver Hand Gang CD-65 76 Empire Pact LP 58-247 Silver State Corp Biataxo Coalition Mirnga Monarchy Friends of Varramool Ofaye Ai…
Freelance Report: Buckyball Spring Break Controversy
Accusations of reckless endangerment have been levelled at the Buckyball Racing Club regarding its upcoming Spring Break chauffeurs event. Commander Seneh, the event organiser, had this to say: “This event is a community outreach programme. There will…
Galactic News: Weekly Conflict Report
This weekly transmission lists some of the systems currently in conflict around the galaxy, based on the latest data. Here are 10 of the 15,331 minor factions involved in a civil war: HIP 25359 Democrats HIP 25359 Universal Company Luan Yun Di Hold…
Galactic News: Lave Radio Campaign Comes to an End
The Lave Radio Network has announced that its campaign to create a new interstellar transmitter has been a resounding success. The galactic community responded enthusiastically to the campaign, delivering large quantities of Cherbones Blood Crystals to…
Community Goal: Canonn Launches Outpost Campaign
The Canonn Interstellar Research Group has launched a campaign to construct a state-of-the-art research outpost in the Col 285 Sector IX-T d3-43 system to support its ongoing research into the Unknown Artefacts. As part of this initiative, the organisa…
Community Goal: Expanding the Federal Fleet
Federal President Zachary Hudson has announced plans to create a new arm of the Federal Navy known as the People’s Navy, supported by local corporations rather than Federal taxation. The Navy will be established with a new Farragut Battle Cruiser, to b…