Category: Elite Dangerous

  • Freelance Report: Debate over Federal Intervention Continues

    As the debate rages over the presence of the Federal battle cruiser Thanatos at Merope 2 A, public opinion has reached a crescendo. Commanders throughout the galaxy are weighing in. Is the Federal presence warranted? While some Commanders applaud the …

  • Galactic News: Weekly Economic Report

    This report presents the latest data on the economic health of the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience an economic boom: Luyten 674-15 Industries Independents of Lalande 18115 Kikians Purple Vision PLC Future of LTT…

  • Freelance Report: Give and Take

    Today marked Kumo Tribute Day, which sees representatives from systems under the control of Archon Delaine curry favour with the Pirate Lord by presenting him with lavish gifts. Highlights included the presentation of several Imperial aristocrats, an assortment of rare narcotics and even a live barnacle. One system gifted a gold-plated Federal Corvette equipped with…

  • Freelance Report: The Reclamation of Facece

    After months of vicious fighting, the Imperial Naval Auxiliary has reinstated the Facece Empire Party as the controlling power of the Facece system. Marquis Endincite, who coordinated the effort to reclaim the system, made the following statement to t…

  • Galactic News: Weekly Expansion Report

    This report presents the latest data on expansion and withdrawal among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to have expanded into new systems: Caspatsuria Empire Assembly Glutia Citizens of Tradition Social Ix Chita Partnership…

  • Galactic News: Zachary Hudson Responds to Imperial Criticism

    Yesterday, the Empire joined the debate over the Federation’s decision to deploy Farragut Battle Cruisers in the Merope system. In a statement, Senator Zemina Torval asserted that the use of Federal warships represented an attempt to claim possession o…

  • Galactic News: Memorial to the Highliner Antares Unveiled

    The Sirius Corporation has unveiled a memorial to those who lost their lives aboard the Highliner Antares, which was destroyed in 3251 during its maiden voyage. Using debris retrieved from the ship, capricious talent Delvin Hoorgan has created a striki…

  • Freelance Report: Friendly Fire over Merope 2 A

    Despite assertions from Admiral Maxton Price that Federal ships in Merope would not initiate conflict, a recent incident report tells a different story. The report claims that a clearly marked Asp Explorer science vessel was shot down, without provocation, by Federal vessels above Merope 2 A. Rescue teams from Obsidian Orbital, responding to a distress…

  • Galactic News: Empire Criticises Federal Presence in Merope

    Over the past week, there has been considerable debate over the presence of Federal battle cruisers in the Merope system. The ships have taken up position near the non-human structures commonly known as barnacles, prompting censure from various section…

  • Freelance Report: The Jaques Rescue Mission

    Recent reports indicate that a coalition of independent pilots has coordinated a mission to deliver meta-alloys to Jaques Station. A spokesperson for the group issued the following statement: “We need your help, Commanders! Everyone’s favourite cyborg…