It's election time for the 8th Council of Stellar Management and as a helpful reference tool, this Community Spotlight will briefly look at each candidate, summarize their platform, and provide a brief bio. Additionally, many of the candidates have done interviews with the Crossing Zebras podcast discussing their candidacy, platform, and credentials. These podcasts have been linked to provide you with additional information should you choose to listen!
Click here to vote on your selected candidates. For more information to match a candidate with your preferences, check the CSM Vote Match tool.
Disclaimer: All candidates were asked to provide their bios and platforms. If a candidate chose not do so, ones were written for them, either as direct quotes from their official threads, or via a summary of official statements made or other publicly available data. All items contained within quotation marks are statements made by the candidates; some minor editing may have been made for brevity or to correct spelling or style errors.
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Platform "She’d like it if newbies were taught the skills needed to survive in the game, not just how to PvE. As a relatively new player, she gets what it's like to only be able to fly a cruiser or battlecruiser while training for T2 ships and guns and exactly how spacepoor feels. She also wants to make it easier for independents to carve out a niche in lowsec or in nullsec without having to pay rent. As a member of (and FC in) an independent coalition, Ali understands some of what what works and what doesn't in terms of living in and fostering a diverse, vibrant nullsec region with tons of activity." |
Biography “Ali Aras is a new, independent, non-bittervet candidate with a fresh and unique perspective on the game. She quit EVE when she first subbed, but came back later and got sucked in for good by friends who taught her to PvP in cheap frigates.” |
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Platform “My platform revolves around radical change in non-radical steps. Bringing players a better EVE through a long term plan of stepped changes. Addressing sovereignty mechanics in a logical way, addressing the definition of security status in EVE, a better out of game experience, improving the in game experience to allow more flying in space, and a comprehensive long term plan, with defined intermediate steps are part of what I plan to focus on during my time on the Council.” |
Biography “I'm a system administrator who has been playing EVE on and off for the past 8 years. Most of my game time has been over the last 3. I've played mostly in null sec, but I've also had an alt running a Charon around for Red Frog in the past. I've played as a market trader, miner, PvP grunt, POS manager and courier in game and as an alliance IT director and API programmer out of it.” |
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Platform “There are many areas of the game with EVE. Most of my knowledge is around null sec but I have been in the game and tried a bit of everything. My biggest goal is to make EVE Online fun and this will be the question I will ask myself when going over anything related to the game.” |
Biography “Started playing EVE Early 2005 I was mostly a high sec pilot back then who fell in love with the openness of the game. I mined and did some mission running but eventually got bored with the game. I quit for a while cause I wasn't sure what to do in the game and back then money was tight. A few months later after reading about the game and the best way to play is with a group of people I re-subbed and started looking for a corp that I would fit in with. Found some high-sec corp that wanted to move into low-sec they did a bunch of things that I found fun so I joined. For a few months I had a blast from mining to mission running and chasing pirates down in low-sec. Then things fell apart for the corp fewer people logged in so I got bored again. I think I left EVE early 2007. I decided I would try EVE again and join Dreddit a month after it was formed and been here ever since.” |
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Platform "I began playing EVE in 2006, and moved to 0.0 shortly afterwards in search of pew and spaceloot. Rising quickly to leadership positions, I spent the majority of two years working with POSes, sov mechanics, logistics, and PVP for a few small alliances. After a short burnout in ’09, I returned to the game in 2011 and joined up with Hard Knocks [HK] in its infancy, and was soon put in charge of corporate operations, where I helped to build it into the organization it is today. During my time in EVE I have worn many hats and worked with many of the different systems in-game and out of game. I am well aware of their successes and failings. I’ve served in multiple management positions, from recruitment director, to POS manager, to acting CEO. I currently serve as the HK Executive Director/Diplomat." |
Biography "As your elected representative, I will ensure that the opinions that I represent and communicate to CCP are in fact the views of my voting constituency, and not my own personal opinions. While it’s not always possible to represent everyone, I will ensure proposals which I bring before CCP are properly discussed by the members of the community beforehand, and that all voices and opinions will be heard, equally. I will also make all due effort to assist and guide CCP through the complex POS overhaul project, to ensure that the system that ends up on TQ is a system that is easy to administer for directors and managers, easy to manipulate for industry players, easy to access for regular users, and scalable for the future. With the most recent Odyssey announcements, CCP has taken steps in the correct direction, and CSM8 should keep them on that path." |
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Platform “'Less clicking, More ass kicking!' – If there are any issues, changes, or themes CCP pushes our way, I'll be doing everything I can to suggest it be quicker, easier and less of a grind. Not to the point of making the game 'easy mode' but simply anything possible to make the grind many of us have been exposed to easier. This hopefully will lead to EVERYONE being able to enjoy more aspects of the game, either PvPing or PvEing.” |
Biography “I've been playing since 2005, I stick with things till they are dead, I've been with my corp from a high of 300 to a low of 40 and then back to 300. I don't like giving up on things, I work at them until they either come back fully or not at all. I hope to bring that to the CSM duties I'll be tasked with. Either finding info I need or asking questions till it's done. I've written the 'Outpost updates' in the past and done almost every single job in EVE over the last 8 years I've been playing. This, hopefully, classifies me as one of EVE's Renaissance men, able to discuss and debate a wide range of topics from memory. These aren't my normal wall-o-text, I'll save those for the various forums and blogs around EVE as CCP allows me to report on what's being discussed and debated.” |
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Platform “Well it is quite simple. I will try to do my best to continue what Two Step (current CSM member) did. I did not always agree on his approach but I think he did hell of a job being CSM. It takes me some balls to acknowledge that as our alliances are quite the rivals. I will press CCP to finish fixing player owned starbases and all their entailing glitches and bugs such as being unable to assemble strategic cruisers, being unable to repackage items, as well as larger issues such as enhancing and simplifying corporate security. I will also work to make sure that CCP pays attention to other wormhole related issues such as the addition of content into wormhole space, tech 3 ship re-balancing, the addition of new static wormholes into certain systems, the addition of alliance bookmarks, the usefulness of the Black Hole system modifier, the naming of Signature IDs, and many other issues.” |
Biography “I am Chitsa Jason and I am a diplomat and mercenary contractor for Exhale alliance. Given the unique circumstances of EVE wormhole space, my official capacity has allowed me to become proficient in both the skills necessary for diplomacy as well as the minutia necessary for victory in PVP. I started playing EvE as a miner and after entering wormholes to mine expensive ores, I eventually banded with several other corporations to create the alliance known as Narwhals ate my Duck. After experiencing the glories and pitfalls of managing such a large alliance, we revived and nurtured Exhale into its current form as a successful mercenary wormhole alliance. My real name is Kasparas Jasiukenas. I am 29 and I live in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius. My hobbies include chasing beautiful girls, playing table football and drinking beer, not necessarily in that order. I have worked in a variety of jobs, including photography, event organization, computer repair, and website design.” |
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Platform “I plan on running to bring CCP's attention to the need for a new or improved conflict driver in w-space. As it stands right now, w-space is running the risk of stagnation due to the lack of risk to many organizations, we have reached a point for many organizations where there’s no counter to the strategic cruiser fleets other then a larger fleet, or capitals. I would like to see the blob discouraged in wormhole space, though I cannot honestly say how to do this. My former alliance is even guilty of this.” |
Biography “I am the CEO of a medium sized wormhole corporation called Clann Fian, and the was the lead diplomat for my former alliance, Transmission Lost. I have been living and playing in wormhole space for about four years, have spent time in all classes of wormholes. My corporation is based out of a Class 2, with a static high sec, and a static Class 4, and we accommodate a wide variety of play styles within the organization, everything from pure industrialists, to players who constantly hunt for PVP targets, even taking on the occasional mercenary contract. I have been lucky enough to have a wide variety of experiences in this game, I was the alliance leader of Narwhals ate my Duck mercenary alliance and learned a lot from that experience. I have done extensive diplomatic work with many organizations, most recently as the lead diplomat for our former alliance Transmission Lost.” |
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Platform “I do not agree EVE is broken and 500,000 players prove differently every day. There is room for major improvement and enhancement of the game fun for sure, eve should be evolving with us. A CSM candidate should bring that across; CSM should keep CCP at their toes giving it all they got and make sure their activities match the players demand as a whole. CCP's resources should be divided based on player activity or their activity wishes. If 10 % of eve loves mining, then that should receive an equal part. CSM should not want to try to implement their own ideas and stand in CCP shoes. They should push forward the player wishes and demand that change, no matter what the actual outcome for their individual agendas will be. CSM should handle player interests and even control CCP in their integrity. Personally I think a player council is unique and also a way of promoting EVE. I think that is a secondary responsibility, while still being as demanding and critical as you can be. Remember that your worst adversaries can be your biggest promoters on a higher level.” |
Biography “FC for Volt alliance & providence residents, proud Provi-Bloc member, and long time eve player with 3 accounts, for market stuff, scout, spy, titan, and so on. In real life I am Dutch, 41 years of age and proud father of 4 daughters. I work as an IT manager in a callcentre with 50 agents, and in eve I am a god when the kids sleep. EVE is my passion. I have 3900 kills atm, and still enjoy PVP big time. I am a big fan of wormhole roams, new cruiser doctrines, and the paper/rock/scissors mechanisms that EVE present us.” |
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Platform “I vow to be the most communicative CSM representative to date, and to push the issues of rebalancing risk/reward, improving the new player experience, and integrating DUST514 as much as possible. I believe it is the CSM’s job to serve the players as their voice to CCP Games. CCP will determine the topic of discussions and it is the CSM’s job to accurately relate how the player base will react to changes in the game, and/or changes in the interactions between CCP and the Players. I consider myself an excellent candidate for this, as I have a proven record of communicating effectively with both CCP and the player base.” |
Biography “I have played EVE for over 3 years and have lived in High, low, and null sec as well as making short excursions into worm holes. I do PVE, PVP, Industry, Market Manipulation, and Logistic. I co-host 2 different podcasts and have been discussing major political and mechanic issues within EVE for over 2 years. My guests have included pillars of the eve community form all parts of space as well as CCP Developers/employees. I have a proven track record of communicating frequently and effectively with players and CCP alike. Outside of EVE, I am a recent college graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Business with a concentration in Computer Information Systems. My last two years of school I tutored Micro and Macro Economics, Programming I&II, and several Engineering courses. I love and understand computer hardware and software, and the development of each.” |
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Platform Greene Lee has a diverse platform and believes a CSM candidate should represent all players equally. He has a broad platform looking for massive mechanic changes to give more opportunities to small- and medium-sized entities, new content, changes and improvements to old, neglected systems, and a push for customer support to be more globally accessible. |
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Biography Greene Lee is a Russian-speaking candidate who is a member of Against ALL Authorities. He has been an EVE Online player since 2006. |
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Platform James Argent is an advocate of improvements to wormhole space. He has four fundamental aspects he wishes to stress: new content, improvement, inclusion, and safeguarding. He wants additional content added to wormholes, for content and changes added to the rest of the game to have some impact on wormholes, to make sure quality-of-life changes continue to be made, and for non-wormhole changes to take into account possible negative repercussions of wormholes. |
Biography “Two years ago I started a corporation in EVE. As CEO, I learned a great deal about effective leadership. As a director I learned how to be an effective contributor and collaborator. I'm now seeking to take that knowledge and put it to work by serving on the CSM. I am foremost a wormhole space resident, an area of the game I care deeply for. On the CSM, I'll advocate for wormhole space through New Content, Inclusion with new features, Improvement of current mechanics, and Safeguarding against harm from other changes. I've participated in many different areas of EVE, and one of the most important tasks of the CSM is to give CCP the Player Perspective of the game. Working with both players and developers, the CSM is able to build a comprehensive picture of the state of the game so that the best choices can be made in development. It's this process based approach which will allow me to be an effective CSM member both for wormhole and known space alike.” |
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Platform “To bring the player's expectations and CCP's vision into an accord such that development decisions reflect the best possible & well balanced solutions. While I do not run on a specific platform of select problems that EVE faces, there are specific issues that need to be addressed sooner rather than later, including: nullsec/highsec income disparity, more interesting sov mechanics, and bottom up alliance income. ” |
Biography "Member of Goonswarm's Corps Diplomatique, the diplomatic arm of Goonswarm Federation. I'm a former highsec and wormhole dweller. I am currently a black ops pilot extraordinaire in nullsec. In real life, I live in Washington, DC and I'm a professor of electrical, computer and biomedical engineering." |
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Platform “My focus as a CSM is less on devising new mechanics and more on working with other CSM members to ensure that our message is heard by CCP. CSM6 proved that a united CSM with a clear message can be a powerful force for player advocacy with CCP, and I believe I can work with CSM members of all backgrounds – whether hisec or nullsec, elite PVPer or hardcore industrialist – to help resolve our differences and turn a group of disparate elected officials into a unified team that leverages its status as a stakeholder with CCP to its greatest advantage. The focus of my experience and my playstyle is on nullsec. However, I am keenly interested in all aspects of this game we love, and have participated in most of them at one time or another, from faction warfare to hisec industry. I'm happy to discuss my personal opinions on these areas and where we can take them in the comments.” |
Biography “My EVE career has been focused on building thriving, lasting organizations. As someone who has built an alliance from scratch, I’ve learned that in order to be a good leader to an alliance you have to understand and act on the concerns of a diverse group of people ranging from miners and industrialists to corp CEOs to PVPers. That interaction – of taking a group of talented people with different areas of expertise and bringing their capabilities and concerns together in common cause – is a large part of why I play this game. In addition to my in-game experience, I also bring substantial real-life experience to this task. CCP has repeatedly said that the CSM is a stakeholder in the development process, a role I am intimately familiar with from my real-life job. I work in the software industry in a role that obliges me to forge working relationships with stakeholders who hold a variety of conflicting interests, all in service of creating a strategy with which to design and market software products. This gives me a strong sense of how to leverage this relationship, where the limits are – and how to push them when necessary.” |
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Platform "I want to focus CCP attention to solo players and small player group needs. Those who are new or were kicked, small 2-10 man corps, lone wolfs. They need a place in EVE." |
Podcast Interview |
Biography “Former CSM4 member forcing small fixes to happen. Former CSM5 member initiating a game balance changes.” |
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Platform “I believe in EVE. I think it's something special in the gaming world, and I think that what makes EVE special is worth protected and supporting. I believe in the freedom of players to interect with each other, and the right of players to determine how those interactions result with the minimum of NPC interference. I believe in making changes to EVE that increase the possibilities of player ineraction, and that provide gameplay opportunities. If you send me to Reykjavik, you will be sending a message to CCP that you want that emergent, player-driven narrative to be the core and centre of EVE.” |
Biography “First and foremost I have been playing EVE for over 6 years. I've seen a lot, done a lot, connected with a lot of other players and I have a pretty wide experience of the game (and some pretty wide gaps in that experience, as I will freely admit). I have lived in Sov 0.0, NPC 0.0, lo-sec, hi-sec and W-space. I'm not an intense meta-gamers, I don't hang out in the "Cool" jabber channels, I'm not in any kind of alliance leadership position. My perspective is that of a humble grunt, and my philosophy is informed by that. Secondly, and more visibly, I spend a great deal of time thinking and discussing EVE. Anyone who reads these forums knows that. I'm always ready to learn from people who know something I don't, and I spend a fair amount of time trying to help people who don't know things I do. Running for the CSM is a logical extension of that.” |
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Platform “I am basing my candidacy on a continuation of the balancing changes which have greatly improved the level of fun one can have in game, changes & additions to the NPE to make it easier & more rewarding for new players while moving them towards the "fun" aspects of the game at a faster pace and a plethora of UI amendments especially when it comes to fleets.” |
Biography “I have been playing EVE for over 6 years and in that time I have dabbled in a little of everything from mining to missioning to industry – both in null & empire – right up to pvp which I have been participating in for the past 3 years as a member of RvB. While in RvB I have lead fleets in our forever war & 3rd party wars, helped run the community forums & killboards, organised and hosted several large scale events including the RvB Ganked "drunk" roams as well as somewhere along the way become the public face of RvB for many, which has lead to me working with different groups of players in EVE.” |
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Platform “I don’t know it all. I am not a Game Dev nor do I aspire to be one. I am always willing to ask questions when I don’t know the answers and consider the answers carefully. I am a teacher by trade and the skill set that goes with that would be helpful as a CSM member. I take pride in my ability to see things from more than one side and explain my position well. I am NOT here to save one portion of space to the detriment of all of the others. I do not propose to drive x y or z feature though, that is not what the CSM does. Oh, there ARE things in the game I would love to see fixed. POS’s and more corp bookmarks, a window in stations so you can look out and see what awaits you. Some sort of automation to save the hardcore industrialists from carpal tunnel syndrome. I’d like to see more Live EVEnts and Lore and some sort of motivator to break some of the growing inertia in nullsec. More reasons to go to lowsec aside from Faction Warfare. I have never been afraid to voice my opinion and would love to answer any questions that you have though I don’t plan on feeding trolls. This is NOT a contest of antagonism but a choosing of a GROUP of people to represent the players to CCP. We have to be able to work together and we must be able to see concepts and ideas from a variety of different viewpoints to do the best for the game and for the players of EVE.” |
Biography “I have played EVE for enough time to have tried a bit of almost everything. But if you ask me to nail down the style of play I best represent and identify with it would be the Casual Player. The person who has a job, kids, wife, pets and cannot sit at the machine uninterrupted for five hours straight bashing a POS or waiting for a fleet to form. The person who does not want his entire EVE experience to be spreadsheets or clicking to manage PI. I have spent more than half a year in wormholes, managing the POS there drove me out, in the end, frustration got that bad. I flew with Soco in the south and did manage to get in on fleets now and again but CTA’s don’t always jibe up with a limited time availability. If you are nodding right now at this then you know what I mean and you have experienced the same sort of problems. You are the one I want to represent. I fly incursions for my isk and then blow it in places like the Bomber Bar or RvB or helping out in contests, donating prizes.” |
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Platform “My pet issue is nullsec. I want to see sovereignty get a revamp, made into something people willingly do battle for, instead of grudgingly, and I want to see non-supercapital industry in nullsec become an activity worth doing. But, all areas of the game need each other for EVE to be what it is, so I'll see to it that they get my best attention as well.” |
Biography “In EVE, I've done almost everything, almost everywhere, over the course of seven years. In real life I'm an engineer, which means I'm literally paid to solve problems. On the CSM, I'll bring both experience sets to bear.” |
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Platform “As the executor of the largest pure wormhole alliance in EVE, I aim to represent the specific needs and concerns of unknown space. Wormhole pilots are traditionally a small and under-represented portion of the New Eden community, and it is my aim to make sure their concerns are not forgotten. I intend to continue emphasizing the need for POS improvements, new content in all classes, and a careful eye on T3/dreadnought rebalancing. I also wish to make sure no playstyle is forgotten–from committed, bloodthirsty vets to casual weekend pilots. We are all players, and we all deserve a voice.” |
Biography “In real life, I earned two bachelor's degrees in Communications, Creative Writing, and Psychology from a college in New York State. From there, I enlisted in the US infantry for a change of pace and was deployed twice to Iraq (earning several medals and combat awards while there). Afterward, I married my college sweetheart and moved to Taiwan, where I have been teaching English to school children. My life experience has been eclectic, to say the least, and I have learned the values of diversity, respect, and proper communications in each station I've held.” |
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Platform “There are a few major issues I want to address if elected to the CSM. Firstly, there is the issue of alliance income. Currently income comes primarily from moon mining; I want to press for change so that alliance income follows a bottom-up model, where income is generated by line members performing industrial activities, and it bubbles up to the alliance level. […] Another issue I want to tackle is the amount of busywork that content creators (such as FCs, CEOs, logisticians and the like) have to do. For example, every time a fleet commander starts a fleet, we're constantly dealing with the cumbersome squad/wing system at the start of every fleet, which is repetetive, time-consuming and dull.” |
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Biography “You probably know me as the lead FC of Nulli Secunda, a major nullsec alliance. What you may not know is exactly what goes into that title. I spend my time in EVE submerged in game mechanics. As a lead FC, I'm responsible for the creation and testing of new alliance fittings and fleet compositions, and that means that I spend hours every week theorycrafting new setups. I think and care deeply about all of EVE's game mechanics, and I intend to use that knowledge and skill to help guide CCP's development of the game.” |
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Platform “Making POS simpler to operate, making mining worthwhile and fun. Making Pirating and factional warfare more interesting and specialized with new weapons and abilities is what is needed to keep EVE strong and vibrant. SOV, need I say more? The core combat model of EVE lacks complexity and is too simple. Static income sources like Tech moons are a good game mechanic for creating conflict and wealth.” |
Podcast Interview |
Biography “I have played EVE since Beta. (Read: 10 years) [..] I run several successful businesses in RL.” |
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Platform "I'm running because there isn't enough representation advocating more creative, interactive and cutthroat gameplay in highsec. The best parts of EVE are the stories generated by the players interacting and competing with each other, and I don't feel CCP is allowing space for that kind of interaction in highsec. I want players trying to outthink, outmanoeuvre and outgame each other, especially in highsec, and I hope to bring that playstyle into sharper focus for CCP. This game only becomes good once you get involved, and running level 4s without so much as speaking to another human being in not getting involved." |
Biography "I'm a wardeccer, awoxer, thief, scammer, occasional suicide ganker and all around content maker. I have been on the leading edge of emerging content in highsec for several years and, alongside my corp, The Skunkworks, and my fellow belligerent undesirables, have dissected nearly every aspect of highsec gameplay looking for ways to generate content. I have personally mentored dozens of players getting into my preferred style of gameplay and spend a great deal of time working to help the community of belligerent undesirables." |
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Platform “CSM8 needs serious delegates whom CCP will take seriously as player advocates. My knowledge of EVE Online and real life experience will help. CCP has made it plain they want to expand the audience of the EVE universe. I'm excited by that! But I don't want CCP to break the game we love trying to expand its audience. WE'VE been flying New Eden for years. I hope to offer perspectives to help CCP retain veterans AND acquire new customers. Both are necessary for EVE to thrive. I am a five-year EVE player with broad experience: small-gang PvP, industry, incursions, missions, faction warfare, wormhole living, and 0.0 sov fights. I relate to all kinds of EVE players, because I've been where you are. I also have a strong real-life business and communications background.I will take my CSM responsibilities seriously and in turn, do all I can to ensure that CCP takes us seriously. I therefore ask for your vote and will work hard to bring YOUR concerns to CCP.” |
Biography “Writer of Jester's Trek blog, Member of Rote Kapelle. Five-year EVE player with wide experience, particularly in small-gang PvP, T1 and T2 industry, and incursions. Past experience in sov warfare, wormhole living, and FW. IRL business and communications professional.” |
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Platform Riverini has a broad platform which looks to improve all aspects of gameplay. |
Biography “A 28 years old creative / art director for an internet television portal for latin america, I also run a myriad of information related sites which include EVE News24. A few years ago I decided to bring the vision of a different offline experience to the rest of the EVE Online players, this effort has certainly paid off. There is so much I can do to enhance the player experience without having a more direct contact with CCP Games. In short, I have decided to run because I enjoy the game and believe I can work together with other delegates to make it better.” |
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Platform “A fair, strong veteran voice for the community.” |
Biography “Problem solver, natural leader, disciplined, hardworking. Expertise in Factional Warfare, lowsec, market, exploration, missioning, small gang pvp. Real life expertise in technical analysis and architecture, quality assurance, mediation, public speaking, technical writing.” |
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Platform "I am basing on a platform of PvP in general and improving nullsec. The issues I want to address range from changing the sov system to a less grind – more fights basis, reducing the overall effectiveness of blueballing to reevaluating and centralizing alliance income in a bottom-up system which basically means that you have to actively use your space if you want to hold it. As a theorycrafter I will keep a sharp eye on ship/module balancing and point on inconsistencies when they occur. Since I feel that supercapitals are currently not in an acceptable state, I also want to push a review on those. But not only that, I am also a fan of small tweaks/fixes. An example here is the removal of the need to “reconfigure” your capital or the limit of ships that are allowed to refit. If you are suffering from the much hated titan bridge bug or if you have ever undocked a capital out of a Gallente Outpost, you know what I am talking about." |
Biography "My career in EVE started a little over 6 years ago in early 2007. It only took me 2 months to make the decision to move into 0.0 when I joined the Free-Space-Ranger – a pure German corp in the Morsus Mihi alliance. During my stay for 4 ½ years in RAWR/Northern Coalition I’ve been the leader of the Northern Coalition supercapital group, bloc-level FC, director of a big corp/alliance and most important – a full blood PvPer. Currently I am ranked as #1 titan pilot by kills, the reward for my high, steady activity and reckless maneuvers for which I am probably best known for. After the fall of the Northern Coalition I’ve joined the ranks of the Pandemic Legion alliance where I am a FC and director slave under the infamous Shadoo. Recently I’ve also been one of the initiators of the Asakai battle.” |
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Platform “First off I am not going to try to promise that I can get anything changed as we all know that is not 100% possible and too many times CSM's have gone out with promises to get CCP to change things and failed. On the other hand I promise to be the voice to the people who need that voice, be that from the noobie who just wants to bring his new shiny drake to a fleet or the titan pilot who just wants to make people cry. I understand that by being a CSM you do not hold infinite power but you are selected to give voice to the topics and thoughts of the player base to the developers and GMs where the average player cannot. I have been reading through the minutes of CSM 7 and I can see a main focus for CSM 8 is going to be for 0.0. I believe with my past experience in EVE I am perfectly suited for a position on the CSM. This means yes my main focus will be 0.0 but that does not in any way mean that I will ignore empire or low sec.” |
Biography “A little bit about myself, throughout my long time in eve I have been involved in all levels of game play I am currently in the alliance Pandemic Legion and have been for the past year and a half. Previous to this I was in Northern Coalition. and IT Alliance before that. I am a ceo of my own pvp corp with close to 60 actual members, throughout my time in eve I have held many different leadership positions but I find myself at my best when I lead from the front.” |
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Platform “I'm here to represent the interests of High-sec, Industry, Third Party Development and the casual player. While, rightfully, larger groups should have access to more content, and higher returns, that doesn’t mean that the smaller groups and singletons – that is, players who don’t join corporations rather than players who want a single player game- should be entirely frozen out of activities or priced out of the market. Corporation Roles need work, to cut down on the risk of corp theft, which keeps people in singleton corps. POS need work, to stop people going crazy managing them. Industry needs a cure for RSI. This is all things I want personally, so I have a vested interest in advocating them. I’m plugged into the third party dev community, so I’m aware of what they, and I, want from CCP with regards to that.” |
Biography “Having joined EVE in mid 2011, I’m one of the ‘younger’ players here. I have, on the other hand, done pretty much everything high-sec has to offer, bar incursions. I’ve done toe dipping into lowsec and wormholes as well. Null is, other than NPC null, the main place I’ve not been. There, my opinions have mostly been formed from reading about what the inhabitants like and dislike about it. I’ll voice any opinions I have on it, but that’s all prefixed with the fact it’s just an opinion. Most of my time has been spend in high-sec industry, because right now, high-sec is the best place for industry. As industry leaves me plenty of time, I’ve spent time doing exploration, missions, FW with an alt, trading and courier work. For any of those topics, I think I’m well versed. FW is probably the weakest of them. Mostly consisting of losing ships. But that’s why I make ISK. Make it, to spend it.” |
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Platform “In addition to tracking titans Travis would also like to fix ways for lowsec and 0.0 players to make their isk. It should be rewarded to those who actively make it and do not have access to passive moon income. Travis is also looking to fix the way CCP tests their expansions. Several time CCP has removed assests that players acquired due to taking advantage of valid although unintended game mechanics.” |
Biography “During my time in EVE, I have seen and done it all. In my early days I spent most of my time missioning in low sec, moving on to large scale mining operations in high sec and now on to commanding fleets of several hundred players across a multitude of alliances as a Coalition leader. I am an extremely active member of the community and I do not claim to be a saint. I have been banned by CCP before, I truly understand the side of the coin that falls on those who are banned or done wrong by CCP and how terribly slow and inefficient their customer support can be. I have a deep and intricate knowledge of EVE and I plan to put my knowledge, drive and ambition to good use as a member of CSM8.” |
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Platform “As a member of CSMs 5-7, I have steadfastly pushed CCP to deliver improvements to the game that the current players of the game want, and to justify their resource allocations. In CSM 8, I will continue my efforts to build on that success. Over the last year, with CCP's new focus and under the scrutiny of the CSM, some significant momentum has built up. I pledge to keep the pressure on CCP to keep delivering. I will in particular continue to make sure CCP is forced to confront difficult and at times uncomfortable questions about their decisions. We are paying for this game, after all. Areas of particular interest to me (as a player and professional) include: the User Interface, Trade & Industry, large-scale social features, and review and iteration of popular game features. Finally, as the only significantly active member of CSM7 running for re-election, I am uniquely placed to ensure the continuity of CSM operations going into CSM8, a matter of some concern given the additional responsibilities that have been placed on CSM over time.” |
Biography “My RL name is Robert Woodhead. I am 54 years old, and live in North Carolina with my wife and two children. I am the author of the first 4 games in the Wizardry series of RPG games, as well as one of the first anti-virus programs, Virex. In 1989, I founded AnimEigo, the oldest surviving Anime company in the US. I lived in Japan for over 6 years working on AnimEigo and other projects, and speak Japanese well enough to impress gaijin and amuse nihonjin. In my spare time, in addition to playing EVE, I also build and fight combat robots, write the occasional bit of free software, and I'm one of the few EVE pilots who actually knows what Zero-G feels like. I was also the Hacking Consultant for the film "Real Genius". 🙂 I have been playing EVE for a little over 5 years now, and in that time I've lived in hisec, lowsec, nullsec (npc and sov) and wormholes. Currently I fly with Dirt Nap Squad, where I enjoy camping entire regions; I also have a second character doing industry in a wormhole.” |
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Platform “I'm running on an Industry-based platform. Anybody that does PI, moon mining, reactions, research and/or invention, manufacture ships or components, haul or mine can find in me the perfect candidate to vote for. I’m an expert on these areas of the game. I have the experience, I know what the problems are and I have solutions. I want to put the Industry agenda back into the EVE development roadmap.” |
Biography “I live in Portugal and work in the Optical Networks industry where I’m a Software Developer. In EVE, I’m in Eternity INC., which is one of Goonswarm Federation member corps. I've played EVE since 2008 and have done almost everything in this game. I started in empire, playing solo, mining, trading and doing L4 missions. After a year I was about to quit when a director from Friends Fleet (a Portuguese corp living in 0.0) found me. They taught me everything, from lighting a cyno to setting a drag bubble. One year and a half later I moved to Eternity INC. They introduced me to the wonderful world of Capital / Super Capital PvP and Industry and since then is all about Industry!” |