This Week in Star Citizen

Updated Mustang from the Monthly Studio UpdateUpdated Mustang from the Monthly Studio Update

Greetings Citizens,

Recently we introduced our first concept ship of 2018: the Aegis Vulcan. Since then, we’ve been actively gathering questions about the Vulcan on Spectrum and are excited to bring you the answers you’ve been looking for. Make sure to keep an eye out on March 14th!

With that, let’s see what’s going on this week:

Every week in Calling All Devs, designers, engineers and other developers from our five offices around the world answer backer questions submitted on Spectrum and voted on by YOU. This week, we discuss buying weapons with aUEC, automated ship turrets, the Freelancer DUR cargo space and more. The episode is out now and you can watch it here.

Tuesday: Interested in learning more about the Star Citizen universe? Maybe you’re curious about the Xi’An race? If so, get ready to explore the Kayfa system in an all new episode of Loremaker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

Fast forward to Thursday. The episode you’ve been waiting for. Tune in for a brand new episode of Around the Verse that checks in with the Star Citizen development team to discuss performance and optimization.

And If Around the Verse wasn’t enough, we’ll be live on Friday at 8am PST, 4pm UTC at with Clive and Rob Johnson (no relation) to follow-up and answer your questions from the live chat.

With that, we’ll see you in the ‘Verse!

Tyler Witkin
Lead Community Manager

The Weekly Community Content Schedule

            Calling All Devs   (

            Loremaker’s Guide to the Galaxy   (


            Star Citizen: Around the Verse – Performance and Optimization   (
            Vault Update   

            Reverse the Verse – Performance and Optimization   (
            Roadmap Update   
            RSI Newsletter   

Community Spotlight: March 5th, 2018

We are constantly amazed by the contributions made by the Star Citizen community. Whether it’s fan art, a cinematic, a YouTube guide, or even a 3D print of your favorite ship, we love it all! Don’t forget to submit your content to our Community Hub for a chance at seeing it here!

Super Size Me by Nomeus

Nomeus has created an image that quickly found its way spread around our offices. Comical to say the least. It does make you wonder though… Would you rather fight one Idris sized Avenger… or 100 Avenger sized Idris?

Check it out on the Community Hub.

600Sunset by LundFoci

Ever imagined watching the sunset from your 600i? Well now you don’t have to – LundFoci has created an awesome wallpaper that caters to the imagination!

Check it out on the Community Hub.
