This Week in Star Citizen

Greetings Citizens

Xē’suelen Citizens,

This is my first “This week in Star Citizen” post as a Community Manager of Cloud Imperium Games. I received such warm welcomes online and in real life since I started working here, that I just want to start my piece with a big Thank You to everyone. And what better time to join this great community!

We’re getting closer to a PTU release of Alpha 3.0 every day and focus on the remaining must-fix issues and performance improvements. It’s an exciting time for all of us here at CIG, and we can’t wait to be able to share our work with you!

Speaking of exciting things, last week we integrated some changes to our production schedule report based on your comments in Spectrum and on our social channels. We’re always trying to improve, so please don’t stop sharing your feedback and let us know what you think!

With that, let’s see what’s going on this week:

We’re kicking off the week with a new episode of Citizens of the Stars, highlighting the incredible contributions made by our community. Our Spotlight guest is Frustmaster, who’ll fill us in on how he is creating his astonishing ship cinematics. Catch it here.

On Tuesday, our Lore Team will publish a new post, offering an exclusive look at the history of the Star Citizen universe. You can find all previously released posts here.

On Wednesday, we’ll explore another system in the Star Citizen universe with Loremaker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

Thursday: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ gib ATV ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ (translated: we’ll summon and welcome a new episode of ATV, with another update to the Burndown list with Eric Keiron Davis.)

And Friday, Xenolinguist Britton Watkins and Archivist Cherie Heiberg join host Jared Huckaby as they discuss the continuing development of the Xi’an language and plans for the future. We’ll also publish the latest Schedule Report!

On with the week, Citizens – keep flying and stay shiny!

Ulf Kuerschner
Community Manager

The Weekly Community Content Schedule

            Citizens of the Stars   (

            Weekly Lore Post   (

            Loremaker’s Guide to the Galaxy   (

            Around the Verse + Burndown   (
            Vault Update   

            Happy Hour Interview: The Xi’an Language and You   (
            Schedule Update   
            RSI Newsletter   

Community Spotlight: November 13th, 2017

We are constantly amazed by the contributions made by the Star Citizen community. Whether it’s fan art, a cinematic, a YouTube guide, or even a 3D print of your favorite ship, we love it all! Don’t forget to submit your content to our Community Hub for a chance at seeing it here!

42 Citizens Vol. 1 [Versecon 2017] by OlemFalla

OlemFalla captured 42 portraits of the citizenry during VerseCon 2017 in Austin, TX.

Visit the Community Hub for all the pictures. Bonus points if you find the CIG employees.

Starfarer Cinematic by Frustmaster

This cinematic, created by Frustmaster, highlights the Starfarer, our current ship of the month available to all subscribers.

Go to the Community Hub for the the full video.