This Week in Star Citizen

Greetings Citizens

Greetings Citizens,

I hope that you all had a nice and relaxing weekend! We are continuing to work hard on Alpha 3.0 with nearly daily updates to both the Evocati and internal builds. You may have noticed a change in how we present our Production Schedule. Now we highlight the must-have features, performance fixes, and stability issues that are needed to close out Alpha 3.0. We hope you find that this is easier to read but still provides all of the important information.

With that, lets see what’s going on this week:

Today was a brand new episode of Citizens of the Stars. I had the pleasure of interviewing SpoofGhost who has made some incredible works of art combining various art together something truly unique. After that, Tyler Witkin sits down with our Austin studio’s “Office Mom” Michelle Reshetnik, aka Fall. Catch the latest episode here.

Tomorrow, our Lore Team will publish a new Lore Post Comm-Link of in-fiction history within the Star Citizen universe.

On Wednesday, our resident Bugsmasher Mark Abent returns to host a new episode of Bugsmashers! Mark has taken some time out of his busy schedule to squash some bugs in true style. Check out our playlist of previous episodes here

Then on Thursday, Sandi and Chris host a new episode of Around the Verse. This week is all about the new look of Quantum Travel and our continuation of Burndown!

Lastly, on Friday Happy Hour Gamedev goes live at 8AM Pacific. Level Designers Andreas Johansson and Tobias Johansson (no relation) from Foundry 42 DE will join Jared Huckaby as they explore the process of building Surface Outposts LIVE on Twitch. This will be your best look yet at everything that makes up the first iteration of surface outposts coming in Star Citizen Alpha 3.0.

With that, I’ll see you in the ‘Verse!

Tyler Nolin
Community Manager

The Weekly Community Content Schedule

            Citizens of the Stars   (

            Weekly Lore Post   (

            Bugsmashers!   (

            Around the Verse + Burndown   (
            Vault Update   

            Happy Hour Gamedev: Designing A Location    (
            Schedule Update   
            RSI Newsletter   

Community Spotlight: November 6th, 2017

We are constantly amazed by the contributions made by the Star Citizen community. Whether it’s fan art, a cinematic, a YouTube guide, or even a 3D print of your favorite ship, we love it all! Don’t forget to submit your content to our Community Hub for a chance at seeing it here!

42 Citizens by OlemFalla

OlemFalla attended VerseCon 2017 and used the opportunity to photograph other attendees for a project he calls “42 Citizens”. Since he has labled this entry as Volume 1, you can expect to see more additions of our citizens in the future.

Community Hub post here

3D Printed MPUV with Lights by Braskil

Braskil not only printed a miniture ARGO MPUV, but also wired it up with lights for added realism!

Community Hub post here