Known Defect Warning: Sentient Self Destruct System

After several player reports of ships deciding not to listen when the self-destruct process is aborted, we would like to issue a warning notice to all pilots that the self-destruct system is currently not working as intended.

At present, there is an issue with the self-destruct system. Cancelling a self-destruct that’s less than 10 seconds away from completion will not stop the self-destruct (despite an according message being given if you cancel).

There have been several issues where pilots playing “self-destruct chicken” with their wingmen have lost ships due to this issue, and given that these kinds of games are common among pilots in New Eden, we’d like to advise against this action in future to avoid creating unnecessary and avoidable reimbursement requests.

A defect is currently being worked on for this issue, and we hope to deploy a fix soon.

In the meantime, if you would like to raise the stakes and gamble on whether or not your ship/pod/cargo/clone will make it out of a dangerous situation alive, we recommend heading on over to Rancer, Amamake, Mara, EC-P8R, HED-GP, Tama or Kamela instead!

Fly safe!