Community Fittings coming to EVE – Join us!

Community Fittings is an experimental crowd-sourced project to create standard ship fittings which will become available in-game.


Spreading the experience

EVE players are an experienced and helpful bunch of pilots. The player community has created a large amount of ship fittings which are available on third-party websites and apps. There is one drawback though, these site and projects are not native to the EVE client. Especially for new or casual players, this can be a big hurdle.

Now, we would like to bring standard ship fittings to the EVE client so that everyone can use directly use these fittings via the in-game fitting screen. To that end, we will add a new filter to the fitting window (Community fittings).

We invite you to join us on the EVE Forums and share your knowledge and experience with us.



Join us on the EVE Forums! We have threads ready, waiting for you. Submit a reasonable good ship fitting that matches the thread description.

Here are the steps in a nutshell:

  1. Go to the EVE Forums – Community Fittings
  2. Pick any available ship fitting thread. The ship, its purpose and restrictions are mentioned in the first post of the thread and the thread title.
  3. Reply to the thread with a good ship fit. 
  4. Add any further explanations to the same post

Please follow the outlined format and don’t discuss other fittings, otherwise the threads will get cluttered very fast and become useless. If you want to explain your fitting, the purpose and why it works well, feel free to do that in your forum post right below your fitting.

You are welcome to submit as many fittings as you would like to!

As you can imagine, there will be many threads and even more fitting suggestions. Our amazing and truly incredible ISD volunteers from the CCL team will assist us by sorting out the suggest fittings and getting everything ready. Without that help, we wouldn't be able to get this done. Our deepest gratitude for this selfless help.


What's in it for me?

Besides helping your fellow players and besides showing off your amazing EVE knowledge, there is more to gain.

If your ship fitting is chosen and added to the client, you will be named as contributor in the fitting description. Of course, your character name must not violate our naming policy.

Your contribution will become part of EVE!



When can I start?

The first threads are already available. We will keep you updated as soon as we have added more threads. Please understand that we cannot process all ship fitting threads at once and that we create threads in batches. Keep an eye on the EVE news!


What do I do if I spot a bad fitting?

Please do not discuss the fitting quality in the fitting thread. Our excellent volunteers will disregard bad fittings already. However, if you have ideas or suggestions that will benefit this project in general, we would love to hear your feedback in this forum thread.


What can I do if someone else copied my fitting?

If we see similar fittings, we consider the first one posted to be the original one. Follow-up posts of that fit will be ignored.


Can I submit troll fits?

Nonsense and troll fits will be removed. Posting repeatedly troll fittings will lead to a forum ban.


What if a bad fitting has made it into the game client?

While double check the submissions, mistakes can sometimes happen. If the unlikely case happens that a bad fit made it into the client, we can easily correct this mistake. We will keep an eye on the feedback!