New Eden Store: Sapphire Sungrazer SKIN for Gallente ships

We are delighted to offer the popular Sapphire Sungrazer SKIN for 17 additional Gallente ship hulls.

Now, this SKIN is also available for the following hulls:

  • Tristan – 110 PLEX
  • Helios – 110 PLEX
  • Algos – 110 PLEX
  • Catalyst – 110 PLEX
  • Hecate – 110 PLEX
  • Vexor – 110 PLEX
  • Thorax – 110 PLEX
  • Ishtar – 110 PLEX
  • Dominix – 250 PLEX
  • Megathron – 250 PLEX
  • Sin – 250 PLEX
  • Kronos – 250 PLEX
  • Obelisk – 390 PLEX
  • Moros – 390 PLEX
  • Thanatos – 390 PLEX
  • Nyx – 390 PLEX
  • Erebus – 390 PLEX


Purchasing SKINs is easy:

  • Log into EVE Online
  • Have sufficient PLEX
  • Go to the New Eden Store (press ALT+4 or use the Neocom to access the store)
  • Purchase the SKIN(s)
  • The SKINs are then available in your redeeming system