This Week in Star Citizen

Greetings Citizens

Greetings Citizens,

We ended last week with an interactive Happy Hour livestream focused on SolEd, the powerful tool we developed to build out solar systems within the Star Citizen universe. If you missed watching it live, I highly encourage you to check out the replay here.

With that, lets take a look at this week.

Today, we released another episode of Citizens of the Stars! In this episode, Pyrophoric swings by the ATX studio to discuss the community created event: ‘VerseCon, Matt Sherman tries his hand at Quantum Questions, and more!

On Tuesday, the Lore Team provides us with their weekly lore post, offering an additional look at the background and history that will bring the Star Citizen universe to life. You can also check out previously published lore posts here.

The end of the month is almost upon us, which means it’s time for another Subscriber’s Town Hall! This Tuesday, Community Content Manager Jared Huckaby will be talking Visual Effects with some special guests from the Foundry 42 UK team, Staffan Ahlstrom (Senior VFX Artist) and Michal Piatek (VFX Artist). If you’re a Subscriber, make sure to submit your burning questions here.

On Wednesday, Mark “Bugsmasher” Abent returns from his two week bug-slaying spree, this time wielding a hammer worthy of Thor’s envy!

On Thursday, you can expect another summoning thread created by the community, which if successful… will bring about an all new episode of Around the ‘Verse!

We wrap up the week on Friday with the July Monthly Report. These are always exciting for us as they provide a one-stop shop to peruse what our studios around the globe have been up to for the last month.

Lastly, the Tumbril Cyclone sale will end Wednesday at 9:00 AM PDT , so if you were considering picking one up, you still have time!

That’s all for this week, we’ll see you in the ‘Verse!

Tyler “Zyloh” Witkin
Lead Community Manager

The Weekly Community Content Schedule

            Citizens of the Stars   (

            July Subscriber’s Town Hall: VFX Edition   (
            Weekly Lore Post   (

            Bugsmashers!   (

            Around the ‘Verse   (
            Vault Update

            Monthly Report   (
            RSI Newsletter

Community Spotlight: July 31st, 2017

We are constantly amazed by the contributions made by the Star Citizen community. Whether it’s fan art, a cinematic, a YouTube guide, or even a 3D print of your favorite ship, we love it all! Don’t forget to submit your content to our Community Hub for a chance at seeing it here!

360° Photospheres by Rellim

Rellim has taken some incredible 360° Photosphere images that show a truly unique perspective of the environment in the Star Citizen universe.

Community Hub post here

Cyclone Commercial: Monster Truck Rally! by Emphatic-Jim

I am not even going to explain what this is. Watch it.

Community Hub post here

Space Sneaker Boot from LBOM by ASYM_LBOM

Professional shoe designer ASYM_LBOM has designed a sweet pair of Star Citizen kicks!

Community Hub post here