Greetings Citizens
The hardest part of this each week is figuring out how to start these. How was your weekend? Mine was good. Thanks for asking. Let’s get to what’s coming this week, shall we?
Today’s Citizens of the Stars features Head Honcho of our Austin Studio John Erskine in the Quantum Questions hotseat, and a highlight on Mr. Hasgaha and his continuing work leading the pack in Star Citizen screenshots.
Wednesday brings us a Banu-themed Loremaker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Is this the time we finally find out where the Banu homeworld is?! The answer is no. Sorry, I don’t know where I was going there. I’m not the hype guy.
Thursday of course is Around the Verse day, where you’ll always find the latest in Star Citizen development news. This week’s show cycles back around to another LA Studio Update, and I hear there’s more things in there than you can shake a cutlass at. Did I do that right? I hope I wasn’t too subtle.
Then to close out the week, Happy Hour cycles back to our next Gamedev-themed episode. This week, instead of creating a creature live on broadcast, Technical Designer Calix Reneau will try his hand at creating a first-pass game mechanic from scratch for inclusion in the game. What will that mechanic be? There’s a hint in last week’s ATV…
Coming up next week, keep an eye out for our next Subscriber’s Town Hall on Tuesday with members of the team at Turbulent where they’ll discuss everything from Spectrum to the launcher and more.
With that, we’ll see you in the ‘Verse.
Jared Huckaby
Community Manager
The Weekly Community Content Schedule
Citizens of the Stars (
Weekly Lore Post (
Loremaker’s Guide to the Galaxy (
Around the Verse (
Vault Update
Happy Hour Gamedev with Calix Reneau (
RSI Newsletter
Community Spotlight: March 20th, 2017 – Talk Citizen
This week’s theme is “Talk Citizen.” Whether viewed on Twitch, hosted on YouTube, streamed via Internet Radio, downloaded on iTunes, etc. there are many, many Star Citizen podcasts out there for you to enjoy. Below are just a few of the ones that permeate the Star Citizen community. Don’t forget to check the Community Hub for more and upvote your favorites. You just might see them here in the near future.
Fortnightly Frontier
Fortnightly Frontier claims to be, “the best Star Citizen podcast in the verse,” but you’ll have to check them out and decide for yourself. Every two weeks Darjanator and Myre_TEST bring you news and discussions about the development of Star Citizen.
You can catch them on for their live recordings every second Sunday at 19:00 GMT or audio only on and in podcast form on Google Play as well as on YouTube.
Red Shirt Rabble
Made by the OldBloodAndGuts group, the Red Shirt Rabble Podcast has a growing fanbase of viewers that complements a YouTube channel full of other videos like ship reviews, the science of Star Citizen, and more.
You can find out more about them here.
Knaarks’ Geschwafel
I’ll let Knaarks tell you about this one:
In Knaarks’ Geschwafel ist der Name Programm, denn ich versuche, so gut es mir eben möglich ist, Star Citizen zu erklären und auch ein paar News auszugraben und als Podcast zu veröffentlichen. Klingt komisch, ist aber so.
You can learn more about his podcast here.
Tales of Citizens
Tales of Citizens is a discussion podcast where they dissect important issues and try their best to shed light on controversial questions, while providing what insight they can through thought provoking discussion.
They record Monthly on Sundays @ 7pm EST on and Show notes can be found at