This report presents the latest data on the security status of the galaxy’s minor factions.
Here are the latest factions to experience a lockdown:
Potriti Gold Mafia
Conservatives of HIP 41984
Quator Ring
Bhotho Rats
Velingai Comms
Oho Bajo Public Holdings
Law Party of BD+23 3151
Segoveduwa Empire Party
Liberals of Cordenet
Nationalists of Aulin
When a faction experiences a lockdown, the security rating of the system it controls temporarily increases and the system’s wealth temporarily decreases. Bounty hunting activity can shorten the lockdown period.
Here are the latest factions to experience civil unrest:
Zugen Incorporated
Leaders of BD-08 2963
Shongbon Society
Cegreeth Citizens’ Forum
Movement for LHS 463 Values Party
United Chet Worker’s Party
Defence Party of Theta Indi
Aristocrats of Saffron
Defence Force of LHS 1122
Taoshamorio Silver Natural Ex
Civil unrest is the result of illegal activity. When a faction is affected by civil unrest, the standard of living in the system it controls temporarily decreases, as does the system’s wealth. Combat missions and activities can bring civil unrest to an end.