Login issues on November 15 – Information and solutions


WIth the activation of email verification on November 15th, we have received reports about players being unable to log into EVE Online due to email verification or account related issues.

Our Customer Support team has compiled a "Known issues and solutions" article on the Help Center, please check it out!

This article covers the following topics:

  • Email Verification and Two Factor Authentication (Two Factor Authenticator is still optional, even though the messaging might be confusing at the moment)
  • Not receiving the verification code (Please do not re-initiate / re-send the verification code multiple times, either wait up to 30 minutes for the mail to arrive or contact Customer Support)
  • Localized Launchers / Clients (If your localized client doesn't work, please use the English laucher for now)
  • Lost access to email (Please contact customer support)

Detailed information about each topic is available in the Help Center article, please consult it!

If you still have troubles logging into EVE Online, please contact Customer Support.

EDIT: Previously, verification codes had a 10 minute lifetime. This was changed to a 30 minute lifetime on 2016-11-16