November Subscriber Flair!

November Subscriber Flair

Greetings Subscribers!

This month’s subscriber flair is the next piece in the space plant series, the Pleurotus Cornusymphonia aka Opera Mushroom! The Space Plant Collection features exotic plants found throughout the galaxy, from strange and unusual specimen to alien specifies or commonly found greeneries. Created by a team of genetic researchers at the University of Rhetor, the opera mushroom is unique in the fungus genus for the various audible tones that it produces. The hollow central chamber of the cap acts as a reverberation chamber amplifying the sounds caused by it’s unique cell structure stretching and compressing as water moves through its mycelium.

If you’re an active subscriber, the flair will be attributed to your account today. If you subscribe over the weekend, the plant will be attributed to your account on Monday November 14th. It will appear in your hangar once Star Citizen Alpha 2.6 launches live. More information about subscriptions can be found here!