Galactic News: Weekly Health Report

This report presents the latest data on health issues among the galaxy’s minor factions.
Here are the latest factions to experience famine:
Revolutionary LP 440-38 Alliance
Tsoghom Na Commodities
Vadimui United Partners
Chongquan Coalition
Fo Hi Electronics Industry
Nunet PLC
LTT 8968 Jet Posse
Cochipati Noblement
Camorra of Yen Di
Democrats of Cocijo
When a faction is affected by famine the standard of living in the system it controls temporarily decreases. Combat activity has no effect on influence while a famine is active. Completing food-trade missions can bring a famine to an end.
Here are the latest factions to experience an outbreak:
Icontia Silver Society
HIP 29964 United
Nationals of Tlapan
G 123-16 Crimson Universal Serv
Purple Travel Group
United Fricassi Resistance
Aitvaniez Jet Federal Solutions
Masses Freedom Party
StKM 1-1341 Crimson Electronics
Noblemen of 17 Draconis
When a faction is affected by an outbreak the standard of living in the system it controls temporarily decreases. Combat activity has no effect on influence while an outbreak is active. Completing medicine-supply missions can bring an outbreak to an end.