This report presents the latest data on conflict among the galaxy’s minor factions.
Here are the latest factions to experience a civil war:
Cubeo Jet Council
Earls of Lovedui
Lovedui PLC
Yembo Interstellar
Duro Patron’s Principles
Duro Blue Public Partners
Nationals of Ross 163
Ross 163 Jet Family
Caeritis Vision Organisation
Gabjaujis Empire Party
Civil wars occur when minor factions compete for control of major assets such as starports. When a faction is involved in a civil war, the standard of living, development level and security level in the system it controls are temporarily reduced. Combat activities can bring a civil war to an end.
Here are the latest factions to experience war:
Unionists of Sun Takush
Liberals of Kappa Reticuli
United Nedos League
Vetta Bureau
Balduk Partnership
Raiders of LHS 140
Sinann Silver Raiders
Kalibia State Services
Independent Xevioso Labour
Gliese 724.2 Empire League
Wars occur when a minor faction invades a star system controlled by another minor faction. For the duration of the war, the standard of living, wealth level and security level in the disputed system are reduced. Combat activity between the two warring factions determines the outcome of the conflict. If neither faction succeeds in dominating the other, the war ends in a ceasefire.