An Update On The EVE Store & Spaceships Swag!

CCP Spitfire here with a quick update regarding EVE merchandise. As you know, at EVE Vegas we showed some new items and announced our plans to offer these to all EVE players via ThinkGeek before the holidays. 

The bad news is these plans have been delayed for a short while, as we were a little too optimistic about the amount of time it would take to arrange — especially considering how busy the merchandising industry is with that little thing called Star Wars being released on Friday. So, please accept my sincere apologies if you planned to do any EVE related holiday shopping. 

The good news is that this delay has allowed us to take another look at what you all really want out of a swag store, and we have decided we need to be more flexible and agile than originally estimated. With this in mind, we have authorized our merchandise partner to build and operate a dedicated online store for EVE merchandise. We hope that it will allow us to design more cool stuff, make it faster, and deliver it to you at shipping rates comparable to ThinkGeek and other retailers. 

This does not mean that we won't be working with ThinkGeek in future, or pursue other opportunities. it just means that we will have more control over what we release and when; for instance being able to make cool tie-ins with in-game events and other fun projects. In all cases, CCP will be responsible for all design work, so that hopefully means no laser-firing Ravens! 

The current plan is to open the new store in the first quarter of 2016. Again, we apologize for the delay and hope the wait will be worth it. 

Fly safe!