Federation Triumphs over Emperor’s Dawn

When an outpost belonging to the insurgent organisation Emperor’s Dawn was discovered in the Federal system of Kausalya two weeks ago, Federal President Zachary Hudson’s response was swift and unequivocal. Promising to “mete out such punishment that the very fires of hell will seem but guttering candles in comparison”, Hudson promptly despatched a military fleet to Kausalya. Today, Admiral Kirby of the Federal Navy confirmed that the initiative to rout the dissidents had been an unmitigated success:
“They were defiant at first, but the battle started to go our way pretty quickly, and the past week has just been a mopping-up exercise, really. I think the Federal Navy Auxiliary made a big difference – when the insurgents saw how many independent pilots we had on our side, their morale took a big hit.”
In a statement, Zachary Hudson exhibited his usual confidence:
“The insurgents’ incursion into Kausalya was clearly the last gasp of a dying animal. They stood no chance against our fleet, and their outpost has been utterly destroyed. I predict this is the last we will see of Emperor’s Dawn.”