Emperor’s Dawn Base Discovered in Federation Space

It has been over a month since the Empire won a decisive victory against the insurgent organisation Emperor’s Dawn by destroying its outposts in the Namarii, Tabaldak and LTT 874 systems. The victory prompted Imperial Senator Denton Patreus to declare that “Emperor’s Dawn is no longer a threat”, but now it seems the organisation may merely have been driven underground.
According to the Federal Criminal Investigations agency, Emperor’s Dawn has established a base in the Federation-controlled system of Kausalya – an announcement that is sure to dishearten Senator Patreus. The reason for the insurgents’ infringement is not known, but military analysts have speculated that, given the system’s proximity to Empire-controlled space, the insurrectionists may attempt to use Kausalya as a staging ground for attacks against the Empire. Zachary Hudson, the President of the Federation, was quick to respond to the news:
“Perhaps the terrorists think our distaste for the Empire is so great, we will tolerate their presence in our space. Perhaps they thought we simply wouldn’t notice their incursion. In any case, they are wrong, and they have made a costly mistake. We will mete out such punishment that the very fires of hell will seem but guttering candles in comparison. Emperor’s Dawn is about to learn what it means to cross the Federation.”
President Hudson confirmed that he has authorised the payment of privateer bonds to pilots who help the Federation combat Emperor’s Dawn. He concluded his address with the words: “Federation pilots – to your ships! We have work to do.”