Prime Minister Edmund Mahon commended leaders throughout the Alliance after it was announced that downward economic trends had reversed. Trade agreements with HIP 62349 and LP 387-31 were finalized this week, ballooning the Alliance’s sphere of influence to 78 control systems.
President Zachary Hudson’s fleets struggled to maintain supply chains to nearly eighty bases, and three of the Federal Navy’s bases of operation fell into disrepair as a result. If garrison supplies and other provisions are not forthcoming, these bases will not be usable in the near future.
Shadow President Felicia Winters brought in an excess of command capital this week, ensuring liberal aid will continue to flow. In addition, Winters was able to smooth over the differences of the people of Mbutsi, ensuring Federal values overcame Imperial overtures.
Princess Aisling Duval experienced an unexpected but welcome surge on Imperial opinion polls this week. HIP 116045 pledged its support to Aisling’s cause, bringing the total number of control systems espousing her values to 62.
Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval’s administrative burden was exacerbated by a sharp increase in lawless activity within her domain. Three systems – Tiburnat, Yupini and HIP 16607 – have fallen into a state of turmoil. It is possible that the Shield of Justice will not be able to maintain law and order in these systems if lawless activity continues throughout the Emperor’s territory.
Senator Zemina Torval acquired controlling interest in Yimanbin’s infrastructure, formally expanding her enterprise to a total of 55 systems. Profitability fell this week, making new acquisitions in weeks to come unlikely.
Sirius Gov CEO Li Yong-Rui led the corporation through a reasonably stable cycle. No new systems were added to his portfolio, but surplus budget will allow the corporation to acquire additional assets within the coming weeks.
Simguru Pranav Antal has rallied Utopians with news that five new systems may soon open enclaves. Gliese 1269, Benanekpeno, Har Itariu, Kenna, and Luyten 347-14 have expressed interest in joining Utopia, and negotiations are underway.
Pirate Lord Archon Delaine easily quashed resistance in Brynhilo this week, establishing yet another stronghold in the system. His sights are now set on Dhak, an Imperial system that has already quelled two previous insurrections sponsored by the Kumo Crew. With the carnage following the fall of Yuror, the people of Dhak know exactly what awaits should their defences fail.
Senator Denton Patreus’s fleets withdrew from 47 Ceti this week, enabling the embattled Imperial leader to recover from previous weeks of deficit spending. Heavy fortification will be needed to ensure his realm can withstand the storms to come.
Commander Corrigendum