A Week in Powerplay

Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval deflected a great deal of opposition in her territory this week, and extended the services of the Shield of Justice to six new systems. Bragit, HR 4720, Juipedi, Kappa, Olelbis, and Tujil were all swept free of criminal activity, and regular patrols were established. Contie, Mbutsi, and NLTT 7856 are the focus of active crime sweeps this week.
Federal President Zachary Hudson established a new base for the Federal fleet in the Picunche system this week, edging the number of bases operated by the Republican party to 79. If all goes well for the Federation President this week, eight additional bases will be opened – a testament to the rapid growth of the Federal Navy.
Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon is currently presiding over a contracting economy, facing the lowest economic rating in nearly three months. Despite the slowing of commerce, the Tikurua system has formalized trade agreements with the Alliance, and now falls under the protection of the Council of Admirals.
Shadow President Felicia Winters secured the support of 41 Lambda Hydrae and HIP 38747 this week, amid some mild controversy. The Shadow President now looks to Kherthaje and Catun for additional support. In an odd turn of events, the Mbutsi system deep in the heart of Winters’ territory appears to be courting Imperial favour. Shadow President Winters is reportedly engaged in talks with the local system leaders in an attempt to secure their loyalty.
Sirius Gov CEO Li Yong-Rui finalized a deal to purchase controlling interests in T’ien Mu this week. Economists have expressed concerns about the profitability of future acquisitions, but support for Li Yong-Rui’s vision for the future of Sirius remains strong. Sirius now controls 60 key systems.
Senator Aisling Duval maintained the status quo this week – a rarity in the fast-paced world of politics and public opinion. The People’s Princess is currently attempting to curry favour with the people of HIP 116045, and has reportedly been warmly received in the system.
Senator Zemina Torval has finalized contracts that brought the infrastructure of HIP 107936 into her portfolio. Next week, the senator’s list of new acquisitions could include Yimanbin. Should this system become a part of her enterprise, her influence will encompass 55 systems.
Pirate Lord Archon Delaine humiliated the Imperial expeditionary forces this week by overthrowing the Imperial system of Yuror. Captured Yurorian leaders were put to the sword and their families were paraded through Harma in shackles. A thinly veiled threat was broadcast to the Empire following the conquest of Yuror: “A person only has the rights they can hold on to”.
Utopian Leader Pranav Antal has led his people to prosperity following previous weeks of turmoil. A vastly reduced administrative burden has made it possible for Utopia to amass resources sufficient to ensure the vision of Utopia will spread once more through civilized space.
Senator Denton Patreus finds himself in dire straits this week. Nearly a year of his popular zero-taxation policy, combined with months of combined pressure from Emperor’s Dawn and the advances of the Kumo Crew, have worn down the Senator’s fleets. The senator’s forces have withdrawn from Utgaroar, and may soon withdraw from 47 Ceti.
Commander Corrigendum